Baptism in water is an important step of obedience for a new believer, and it is a public profession of their faith in Jesus and intent to follow Him as their Lord. When a believer is baptized in water, they are submerged into the water symbolizing the death of Jesus on the cross, and then are raised up out of the water symbolizing His resurrection. Jesus himself was baptized in water during his time on earth to set an example that every Christian is to follow (Mathew 3:16,17).
In the Bible, water baptism symbolized a cleansing, a new beginning, and a new belonging. Baptism is public because the believer is declaring that they have been cleansed from an old way of living (Romans 6:4), and now have a new life in Christ (Acts 2:41), and belong to a new family of faith (Galatians 3:26,27).
At Cedar Lake Church we do not baptize infants because we believe that the Scriptural teaching of baptism requires that the believer make a public declaration of an inner change in their life. In the Bible, we see that Jesus' parents dedicated him to the Lord (Luke 2:22-40), and he was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16-17).
Children may be baptized if they are at least 6 years of age and have convinced their parents or spiritual leaders that they have an understanding of the Biblical significance of baptism. We baptize candidates in water at our First Wednesday services and those desiring to do so can sign up at our Information Desk at a weekend service or online at our website. Those desiring to have children dedicated can do so by contacting our church offices at 228-392-6279.
In the Bible, water baptism symbolized a cleansing, a new beginning, and a new belonging. Baptism is public because the believer is declaring that they have been cleansed from an old way of living (Romans 6:4), and now have a new life in Christ (Acts 2:41), and belong to a new family of faith (Galatians 3:26,27).
At Cedar Lake Church we do not baptize infants because we believe that the Scriptural teaching of baptism requires that the believer make a public declaration of an inner change in their life. In the Bible, we see that Jesus' parents dedicated him to the Lord (Luke 2:22-40), and he was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16-17).
Children may be baptized if they are at least 6 years of age and have convinced their parents or spiritual leaders that they have an understanding of the Biblical significance of baptism. We baptize candidates in water at our First Wednesday services and those desiring to do so can sign up at our Information Desk at a weekend service or online at our website. Those desiring to have children dedicated can do so by contacting our church offices at 228-392-6279.